Add Jobs
Adding a job with the add button on the shortcut row or the job menu will bring up this dialog. You can enter the panda url, group id number or even a url as long as it's pointing to a panda url. You can not add a search job at this time because search jobs should only be used after knowing the panda's are different all the time. Search mode is slower then a panda so always try a panda first. The options you can set here are for it to start collecting right away or just collecting once. Adding a job this way will only fill in the Group ID because it can't find the details until it finds a hit to collect. It will also show the Group ID in the title and description. You should change the friendly name or title to know what the jobs is for. The better way of adding a job is through the Search Jobs button on the shortcut row or from the Panda Crazy Helper script because it will fill in a lot of the important details about a job like the requester ID, requester name, title and description.
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